Monday, March 28, 2011

Project #4 - Handmade Bread

I started making my own bread last September. I wasn't raised to do this, so handmade bread was kind of a mystery to me. It's actually quite easy! Now I'm using a recipe from my friend Marianne. The recipe is for bøller, but I made loaves today and Julian helped. 

Project #3

My third creative project was done with my son. We made these trees last fall for Halloween, then decorated them for Christmas, then Fastelavn, now we painted them green for Easter, and Julian decorated them himself. Also part of Living colorfully!

Friday at 4:30

March 26
I missed two weeks and I'm not always hitting this one on Friday as I wanted to at the beginning of the year. Last Friday we went swimming a little later, so I took the photo on Saturday instead. Now we've had DST, so next week should be a bit more dramatic. 

Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Project #2-Louisiana Art Workshop-Picasso's Doves of Peace.

 Arriving sky
 Clay doves made quickly, Picasso style.
  Clay dove on right made with eyes closed in one minute. 

I produced about 30 drawings, one painting, and three sculptures of Doves last night in 2 1/2 hours. That includes lecture time. We were busy. They are definitely not masterpieces. 

We learned that Picasso produced seven works of art a day! He used the symbol of the dove of peace throughout his life starting when he was eight years old. His father kept doves and Picasso often kept them himself throughout his life. I also learned that he was a member of the communist party, but the communists did not appreciate his art, long story short- they kept him as a member because he was so famous. Hmm.

Monday, March 21, 2011


Yellow flowers from my garden yesterday

Live Colorfully

It's finally springtime and I'm all inspired this week by color. In tune with my creative coaching course by Amber Holmblad, Vision Book Workshop, this weeks theme is Yellow. Thought I would overlap it into my blog.

Two ways to get inspired by color and keep the black clothing in the closet!
The newly designed Kate Spade website.
One of my true loves since high school Lilly Pulitzer for color and crazy, fun patterns.

Thursday, March 10, 2011

My inspiration today

Today I'm working on some product inspiration for Disney Nordic Region. Lucky for me my husband has a whole library of the Disney comics. Today I'm using Den Store Onkel Joakim. These books are like a goldmine to me. I'd love to share my product ideas with you, but for now they are top secret!